Manager's Corner

Message from the Manager

Dear Friends,

“Education is not a commodity to be bought and sold in the market, it is an asset that a Shishya can get donated by his Guru. In SESOMU we try to groom up the young children with healthy mind and healthy soul in healthy body, having their roots in the soil of Indian culture.”

With the advent of modern science and technology man’s madness for competition has reached such a level that the concept of education has been synonymous with merely development of mind i.e. Intellectual development. The other aspects of education such as development of body i.e. Physical development and development of soul i.e. Spiritual development have been forgotten. That’s why we find the basic human qualities like discipline, cooperation, honesty, respect, love affection, purity, etc. are withering away.

Here in this serene atmosphere of SESOMU we try to groom up the young children with healthy mind and healthy soul in healthy body, having their root in the soil of Indian culture. By their sense of discipline, character and education they should let the people feel their presence in whatever field they work and wherever they go.

With their deep-rooted faith in Indian culture heritage they should strive for reviving its past glories and out of their deepest love for the Mother Nature they should take care of her survival.

Thus, our endeavour is to make the SESOMU campus a heaven of peace where everyone will strive for excellence in holistic education. With a peace loving and positive attitude and a deep-rooted love for Bharatiatwa, everyone in the campus would be an ambassador of world peace.