Principal's Corner

Message from the Principal

Dear Students,

“Intelligence plus character that is goal of true education.”

Martin Luthar King Jr.

It has rightly been said that not gold and diamond, but man makes a nation great, strong and prosperous. Only and Only education can develop such personalities who take their country to the heights of glory by their noble deeds, hard efforts and selfless service to their motherland and humanity.

Good education will bring awareness of one’s special responsibility, health consciousness and above all moral values which alone would take our country to the heights of fame. All things can be developed in a human being through school education. 


School education is what every one needs to be successful in life. Schools, actually helps students in building their future. To succeed in life, one has to enter into transition period that transforms him/ her from infancy to adulthood.

A sound education system inculcates emotional feeling, loyalty, patriotism and religious thoughts in human being. We put all our efforts to develop all such feeling among students in SESOMU.


  Warm Regards,